Monday, April 25, 2011

The leather heads are gone

    Football is a shell of what it once was. Do you remember when football was a game of champions? The answer unless you're 50 is no. Now I'm not knocking 40 year olds, they lived through some of the best moments in this century. But football has become the biggest farse on television. We as Americans sit around on sundays  and get fat and yell and scream ,"I hope we pull through this game." WHO IS WE. WE are not making $400,000+ a game. WE are not on strike because WE want more money. How can there be a WE anyway when WE are playing for a new team every two or three years. THEY are playing, and THEY are the reason this season won't happen. The idea of football has even become ridiculous, and too show you I'll break it down.

  1 1,696 players.
  2. $770,000 average salary
  3. Endorsements out the ass.
  4. Most charges put against them do not interfere with job.
  5. An entire country of fans.
     Seriously, this sport should just start fresh because every year people lose more faith in it. And the 7 bagillion dollar super bowls. And the players. I would be surprised if the equipment started wanting more money. at least he can say it without yelling like i do

Get the lawyers out.

PS, i hope football doesn't happen anymore.

Monday, April 11, 2011


                  Everything about the music industry today is completely mind numbing. It's like the industry to came back from a cocaine filled eighties extravaganza. Because of youtube and the "glorious" revitalization of auto tune, we as a whole have the worst musical taste since....well.......ever. But now I'm just ranting. Music nowadays does have it's strengths, like the burden of making good music taken off performers shoulders. However, it also adds burdens such as screwing up on stage is most likely being videophoned at that moment and WILL be viral within the next six. But this just puts the pressure on the lesser part of entertainment. In my honest opinion, the music that is created will always be first;dancing doesn't matter; semantics don't matter; stage persona doesn't matter. If you're music is terrible(this one's for you all you ke$has and beibers and disney channel things) then you as an artist are terrible plain and simple. The thing that really gets me about the whole viral music industry today is things that are completely terrible will spread like wild fire. I.E. THIS!
This ruined my whole month. Oh and do yourself a favor and see how many views it has. It's also on the radio. I'm done talking about this. As humans we have redefined what something viral does, viral no longer infects it cures. It cures of feeling stupid, it cures us of anxiety, i stops us from watching so much tv, but it's infected me. I have become so sick of that I now have a headache, and I'm getting hot flashes and cold sweats. Don't let viral videos be your temporary cure.
Here's a list of bands that can cure you, take as many doses as you see fit.
  • Mineral
  • Explosions in the sky
  • Saves the day
  • Manchester Orchestra
  • The Format
  • Death Cab for Cutie
  • Sunny Day real estate
  • Eisley 

Friday, March 18, 2011
One of the scariest things to me is a person with the gift of the tongue, but no talent. Bill O'reily is one of those people that scare me. On his show he gives you the general synapses of whats going to occur on his show but from what I've seen, never actually talks about it. I watched his show tonight and the main headline was about the Japanese floods and the nuclear power plants that could possibly melt down. Now, that was the title of the piece but he talked about japan for a total of 5 minutes. He got away from the main topic by talking to 2 analyst about how this could possibly make an opening on our soil for "terrorist" attacks. Like really? I thought that would died out with bush administration. Why can republican news commentators just let that word die. It's like using smell as a hip word. Like smell ya later. It's gone. let it go. Not only did they talk about a "potential terrorist attack," but they also talked about the americans who were helping clean up and how they were at risks of radiation poisoning. Not one word was said about the TEN THOUSAND Japanese who have died so far. I mean i guess you can miss that little piece of info. O'reily then brought fox news' chief political analyst on and spent a good ten minutes talking about Chernobyl, and how nuclear power plants aren't that unstable. I mean i guess since there are 2 or 3 on or near the san  andreas fault people can't really be that worried about it. I am just unable to comprehend this show. My head hurts from trying. O'reily comes on, brain leaks out, i can't explain that.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

That seemed staged.

 I recently came to a philosophical quandary of sorts. I've found myself thinking many times over if T.V. imitates life or if life imitated T.V. But the recent spew of life into television has brought all my pondering to an end, because no matter how much you say,"awww this is just like that episode of friends!" It's not, you're not on a sitcom. But now we've created a new sitcom, shows such as Real Housewives of wherever and basketball wives. Okay stop, why do these exist? I don't understand actual reality anymore. We need create boundaries between what is enjoyable and what is mind numbing. Okay I'm back, sorry about that, i got carried away. But isn't real house wives of blllaaahhh like a real life spin off of desperate housewives? Was that show not good enough, and I know probably half the viewers actually watch it all the way through. I feel people only watch this show to see people more monetarily fortunate, but less emotionally and intelligence wise. Plus for the water cooler talk the next day.
As for Basketball Wives, some of the woman on there aren't even currently married to basketball players! REALLY?! DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?! Now I feel people can't truly be interested in this show. All they do is go on trips to france and rome and fill their heads with more drama than play writes. I can't even comprehend a single person who like this show. Everyday i come home from school and i turn on the TV and i hate myself for leaving VH1 as the last viewed channel, because this show is on. I bet the reason people watch this show is the exact same Reason they watch RHWOS(Shows not worth writing it out) just idiots squabbling over who ratted them out about their burberry scarf addiction. Don't buy into these shows. THEY ARE NOT REALITY. figure out for yourself

Friday, February 25, 2011

Spin city

An over issued newspaper

Newspapers are a waste of paper. Now I'm not saying that news isn't valuable or that the newspaper itself isn't worth reading. I'm clearly stating the fact that if I want to pick through articles and figure out which I want to believe. I don't feel I should have to do it because I'm subscribed to it. Also being the fact the last time I said "I'm gonna go buy a news paper" was when I was in 7th grade and I had a paper mache project that needed to be done. But this isn't about paper mache. It's about The New York Times and why so many people care what someone they don't know says. From what I've gathered from the online version of it, this paper is loosely based around "news". New is defined as: A report of a recent event; intelligence; information. Now I really don't think this:
 Is intelligent. It is information without a doubt, but lacks a crucial part of the definition. One would think "The new york times is pretty reputable and is one of the most popular newspaper in the world. It's gotta have some great news in it!" But, the problem with this line of thought is that newspaper are a dying business. It's like being the healthiest person in malaria clinic. Just because you look the best doesn't mean your doing well. So now this newspaper is trying to make money more than anything so crediting this newspapers on belief is not too wise. Here is a another story lacking a crucial part (intelligence) is this story that basically just bashes another news station
So from now on think twice before buying a newspaper. Look it up online. Trust me it's easier. That’s what Google and ctrl+f is for.

Believe in the times.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Planet Mental

      So I'm in line staring at these magazines, and i keep drawing a blank. Not about the subject matter that I'm supposed to be studying/looking for, but the fact that i can't compose a single reason for the existence of any magazine like vogue, vanity fair, or cosmopolitan. I feel that looking at these photo shopped men and women is in essence legal voyeurism. I mainly looked at cosmopolitan. On the cover of this magazine seems as if it's not even trying to sell to strong dominant females anymore. The cover depicted a a very "fine tuned" woman with a pink background(way to be a original cosmo) with a caption right next to it that said sexy eyes, irresistible lips. Do you not think i can't see that cosmo? Or maybe it's that you don't feel that you photo shopped enough so you have to tell me how highly fake beauty has become. Which brings me to my next topic which is opening the magazine. Right as you open the magazine there is an ad for a make up company which had Julia Roberts on it, But it took me a few minutes to realize it was her. This also happened when I  flipped a few pages forward and saw a picture of "beyonce", but the only way i knew it was her was after a few seconds of looking around the page to find her name in a small print at the bottom. Now let me tell you that every time i flipped the page I came to not an article but an advertisement, I flipped through again another advertising, so on, so on. It seems the advertising industry is frustrating us into buying a product, like if they shove it down our throats enough we will think about it constantly and eventually try it. like a kid eating a food that he hates when he's older. And every advertisement i passed was either make up or perfume; two of the most unnecessary products on the market other than guns and cigarettes. Is cosmo really trying to say that women are ugly and they stink? I'm just so sick of seeing these girls with caked on make up going out on Friday, obsessed with the outside world. So scared of how people might see them that they don't even wash their fake up off when they sleep. Magazines are the start, and the end result shells of people needing print to lead them.