Friday, February 25, 2011

Spin city

An over issued newspaper

Newspapers are a waste of paper. Now I'm not saying that news isn't valuable or that the newspaper itself isn't worth reading. I'm clearly stating the fact that if I want to pick through articles and figure out which I want to believe. I don't feel I should have to do it because I'm subscribed to it. Also being the fact the last time I said "I'm gonna go buy a news paper" was when I was in 7th grade and I had a paper mache project that needed to be done. But this isn't about paper mache. It's about The New York Times and why so many people care what someone they don't know says. From what I've gathered from the online version of it, this paper is loosely based around "news". New is defined as: A report of a recent event; intelligence; information. Now I really don't think this:
 Is intelligent. It is information without a doubt, but lacks a crucial part of the definition. One would think "The new york times is pretty reputable and is one of the most popular newspaper in the world. It's gotta have some great news in it!" But, the problem with this line of thought is that newspaper are a dying business. It's like being the healthiest person in malaria clinic. Just because you look the best doesn't mean your doing well. So now this newspaper is trying to make money more than anything so crediting this newspapers on belief is not too wise. Here is a another story lacking a crucial part (intelligence) is this story that basically just bashes another news station
So from now on think twice before buying a newspaper. Look it up online. Trust me it's easier. That’s what Google and ctrl+f is for.

Believe in the times.


  1. I prefer the paper version opposed to the online version for now. When I grew up computer are not what they are now. We didn't have access to things online so I am not as comfortable going online to look up information. I still kind of like the old fashioned way. Ask me in a couple of years and that may change.

  2. Disagreeing with you on this issue is the easy thing I ever had to do in my life. Lets be for real the paper version of THE New York times and other papers is a way of life for many people. So lets not be hasty and do away with the paper version at this moment because the information and the advertisements are the same. Also lets be evermindful everybody don't have access to a computer so lets not do away with the paper right now.

  3. I agree, online newspapers are more convenient and easier to manage, than having to go and subscribe to newspapers.

  4. i said the same thing about online usage, its def easier and faster. and i already said it but last time i got newspapers were for the table cloth for crabs loll

  5. The news paper is the net zero of the internet its slow and outdated. I just pretty much hate the paper all around

  6. I agree with this because I feel that it is much easier to go to the website than having to go buy a newspaper from the store.
