Tuesday, March 8, 2011

That seemed staged.

 I recently came to a philosophical quandary of sorts. I've found myself thinking many times over if T.V. imitates life or if life imitated T.V. But the recent spew of life into television has brought all my pondering to an end, because no matter how much you say,"awww this is just like that episode of friends!" It's not, you're not on a sitcom. But now we've created a new sitcom, shows such as Real Housewives of wherever and basketball wives. Okay stop, why do these exist? I don't understand actual reality anymore. We need create boundaries between what is enjoyable and what is mind numbing. Okay I'm back, sorry about that, i got carried away. But isn't real house wives of blllaaahhh like a real life spin off of desperate housewives? Was that show not good enough, and I know probably half the viewers actually watch it all the way through. I feel people only watch this show to see people more monetarily fortunate, but less emotionally and intelligence wise. Plus for the water cooler talk the next day.
As for Basketball Wives, some of the woman on there aren't even currently married to basketball players! REALLY?! DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?! Now I feel people can't truly be interested in this show. All they do is go on trips to france and rome and fill their heads with more drama than play writes. I can't even comprehend a single person who like this show. Everyday i come home from school and i turn on the TV and i hate myself for leaving VH1 as the last viewed channel, because this show is on. I bet the reason people watch this show is the exact same Reason they watch RHWOS(Shows not worth writing it out) just idiots squabbling over who ratted them out about their burberry scarf addiction. Don't buy into these shows. THEY ARE NOT REALITY.

http://www.vh1.com/shows/basketball_wives/season_2/series.jhtml figure out for yourself


  1. Although, it might not be true reality it is intresting and addictive and i would rather watch the Real House Wives of New Jersey over the Desperate House Wives anyday.

  2. I have often wondered myself if real life influenced Reality TV or if Reality TV is now influencing real life. I wonder what will come next and how our society will be affected by it?

  3. i talked about the same thing how they are running out of ideas and how its like the same show different people. like the Desperate housewives

  4. Could reality TV be the next step in philosophy? I mean they already seem to have a firm grip on the "what is reality" question, maybe next it will provide the meaning of life?

  5. The meaning of life is...


    I'm most curious about the sort of people these shows appeal to and why. I don't hope to make a judgment or a generalization about the demographics of the viewers, but I'm interested on a psychological level. I've seen about ten minutes of the housewife/basketballwife/lazywife shows collectively, but I am offended by the advertisements more than anything. Who are these people? Why is television telling me that they're special?

  6. Daniel, Daniel,so true, first of all, I really don't care to much for these so-call reality T.V. shows, because I feel the camera takes away from the true reality, and therefore the shows become more like soap-opera entertainment. The shows are so predictable to the point that people can't wait for the next episode to see if they were correct about there predictions, Daniel its all about the ratings, the advertisements, and the money.

  7. What a coincidence, That was almost the same thing I was thinking, thanks for writing it for me.
