Friday, March 18, 2011
One of the scariest things to me is a person with the gift of the tongue, but no talent. Bill O'reily is one of those people that scare me. On his show he gives you the general synapses of whats going to occur on his show but from what I've seen, never actually talks about it. I watched his show tonight and the main headline was about the Japanese floods and the nuclear power plants that could possibly melt down. Now, that was the title of the piece but he talked about japan for a total of 5 minutes. He got away from the main topic by talking to 2 analyst about how this could possibly make an opening on our soil for "terrorist" attacks. Like really? I thought that would died out with bush administration. Why can republican news commentators just let that word die. It's like using smell as a hip word. Like smell ya later. It's gone. let it go. Not only did they talk about a "potential terrorist attack," but they also talked about the americans who were helping clean up and how they were at risks of radiation poisoning. Not one word was said about the TEN THOUSAND Japanese who have died so far. I mean i guess you can miss that little piece of info. O'reily then brought fox news' chief political analyst on and spent a good ten minutes talking about Chernobyl, and how nuclear power plants aren't that unstable. I mean i guess since there are 2 or 3 on or near the san  andreas fault people can't really be that worried about it. I am just unable to comprehend this show. My head hurts from trying. O'reily comes on, brain leaks out, i can't explain that.


  1. Had good opinion , But terrorist do still exist.

  2. Best Ending Sentence Ever!

    totally agree
    Bill O'Reily = Bad

  3. After Watching Bill O'Reilly I want to punch small children

  4. I soo agree with you about Bill.. I felt as though he don't put the spotlight on issues that need more media attention. like you said he talked for about 5mins about Japan.REally???
