Monday, April 11, 2011


                  Everything about the music industry today is completely mind numbing. It's like the industry to came back from a cocaine filled eighties extravaganza. Because of youtube and the "glorious" revitalization of auto tune, we as a whole have the worst musical taste since....well.......ever. But now I'm just ranting. Music nowadays does have it's strengths, like the burden of making good music taken off performers shoulders. However, it also adds burdens such as screwing up on stage is most likely being videophoned at that moment and WILL be viral within the next six. But this just puts the pressure on the lesser part of entertainment. In my honest opinion, the music that is created will always be first;dancing doesn't matter; semantics don't matter; stage persona doesn't matter. If you're music is terrible(this one's for you all you ke$has and beibers and disney channel things) then you as an artist are terrible plain and simple. The thing that really gets me about the whole viral music industry today is things that are completely terrible will spread like wild fire. I.E. THIS!
This ruined my whole month. Oh and do yourself a favor and see how many views it has. It's also on the radio. I'm done talking about this. As humans we have redefined what something viral does, viral no longer infects it cures. It cures of feeling stupid, it cures us of anxiety, i stops us from watching so much tv, but it's infected me. I have become so sick of that I now have a headache, and I'm getting hot flashes and cold sweats. Don't let viral videos be your temporary cure.
Here's a list of bands that can cure you, take as many doses as you see fit.
  • Mineral
  • Explosions in the sky
  • Saves the day
  • Manchester Orchestra
  • The Format
  • Death Cab for Cutie
  • Sunny Day real estate
  • Eisley 


  1. It's true, viral videos spread so quickly within a short period of time, its really amazing.

  2. This is very interesting..great points!viral Videos are spreading fast

  3. ahh!! i was totally gonna use Rebecca Black as my video, sweet cure list though
    dont forget all ok go

  4. haha my cousin actually showed me this video last weekend for the first time and she actually liked scared the hell outta me!! i will make sure to give her your list, thanks!

  5. too funny! as a matter of fact I just watched that video for the first time two days ago, is she not really an artist?
